It had been rumored over the last week or so, but it is now official. Cataclysm *is* the next expansion for World of Warcraft.
Some of the notes:
- Level cap raised to 85
- New Alliance Race: Worgen (werewolves)
- New Horde Race: Goblins
- Massive changes to the old zones (Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms)
- The Barrens is apparently to be full of lava and split into two zones
- Wetlands are destroyed.
- Ashenvale has been hit some too
- Azshara will become a low-level zone
- Flying mounts in Azeroth
- New race/class combinations (Human Hunter, Orc Mage, Night Elf Mage, Dwarf Mage, Blood Elf Warrior, Dwarf Shaman, Undead Hunter, Tauren Paladin, Tauren Priest, Gnome Priest, Troll Druid)
- Azeroth zones changed forever. No more going back to how they are now, apparently
- Shadowfang keep and Deadmines will now have a heroic option and will also be revamped
- A new leveling system for guilds
- Achievements for guilds
- Deathwing is back!
- Archaeology is a new secondary profession
- New Rated Battlegrounds
Thanks to WoW Insider for their live blogging coverage, from which I grabbed most of this info! Also thanks to MMO Champion, who apparently is buddy-buddy with someone at Blizzard.
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