Starcraft 2 - make money from custom maps

| 21 August 2009

During the panel just now at Blizzcon, it was announced that Starcraft 2 will have some really kick ass tools for map/mod makers. In addition to this, they are going to be implementing a "marketplace" where map/mod authors can place their creations for download - and charge for them if they like.

The goal appears to be to get more people making mods on Blizzard games, instead of a competitors platform - I say appears because this *is* a stated goal, just not sure it's *the* goal.

It all sounds really damn cool, and I for one am looking forward to it, even though I'm not a big SC fan (omgsaywhat?!)

Next WoW expansion: Cataclysm


It had been rumored over the last week or so, but it is now official. Cataclysm *is* the next expansion for World of Warcraft.

Some of the notes:

  • Level cap raised to 85
  • New Alliance Race: Worgen (werewolves)
  • New Horde Race: Goblins
  • Massive changes to the old zones (Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms)
  • The Barrens is apparently to be full of lava and split into two zones
  • Wetlands are destroyed.
  • Ashenvale has been hit some too
  • Azshara will become a low-level zone
  • Flying mounts in Azeroth
  • New race/class combinations (Human Hunter, Orc Mage, Night Elf Mage, Dwarf Mage, Blood Elf Warrior, Dwarf Shaman, Undead Hunter, Tauren Paladin, Tauren Priest, Gnome Priest, Troll Druid)
  • Azeroth zones changed forever. No more going back to how they are now, apparently
  • Shadowfang keep and Deadmines will now have a heroic option and will also be revamped
  • A new leveling system for guilds
  • Achievements for guilds
  • Deathwing is back!
  • Archaeology is a new secondary profession
  • New Rated Battlegrounds

Thanks to WoW Insider for their live blogging coverage, from which I grabbed most of this info! Also thanks to MMO Champion, who apparently is buddy-buddy with someone at Blizzard.

So what's next?

| 17 August 2009

So Project Overlord is on the back burner. I had the design doc just about complete, and then decided to just skip the whole web platform for now, and start working on a real game.

I have some ideas in my head, but I need to play around for a bit with the toolset I just purchased (Torque 3D for anyone wondering). Not sure what my first foray will be - I want to jump right in and start working on a MMO, but my gut tells me I need to do something small first to get acclimated to the toolset and to brush up on my C++.

Just a quick update for now, will post more once I have spent some time with my new toytoolset.

Everquest Next

| 14 August 2009

It seems that work has begun on the next installment in the Everquest Franchise.

From the link:

"So you can see there's a lot to wrestle with as we begin laying the foundation for EverQuest 'Next.' As I write this, we have concept artists and game designers working hard in our studio-taking the lessons of the past, the best parts of the present and the most promising ideas for the future-to bring the world of Norrath to a new generation of players, as well as the dedicated legions of fans who made the EverQuest franchise timeless. I hope we'll see you there."

Off on a tangent

| 28 July 2009

I am still working on the design doc for Project Overlord. It's my first time attempting to fully spec out a game design idea, instead of just little notes here and there. I have to admit, even for such a small project, it's a lot harder than you would think. Mainly because of the scope of the game - I have to keep rejecting features I want to add. Anyhow...

I haven't been doing much MMOing lately. I tinkered with Vanguard a little more after almost giving up on EQ2. Vanguard is closer to what I want to play in an MMO. If only it were a little more polished, and had more players! That being said, I have seen quite a few people running around the newbie island while I have been playing.

So what is taking up my time the last few days? Well, when I have time, I have been playing the beta for Heroes of Newerth. HoN is a game that spawned from a map-mod for Warcraft 3 call Defense of the Ancients. So it's kind of like "Team Fortress" for the RTS world. The game has a super steep learning curve, but holy cow is it fun - even though I get my ass kicked quite a bit.

If you enjoy RTS games at all, and don't mind learning a new game while getting beat down, you might want to look around for a beta invite :)

Project Overlord (working title)

| 16 July 2009

So I was talking with my boss today, who is the original developer of Chivalry. It's a small web-based game that is somewhat like RISK. Development on it has pretty much tapered off, but we talked about maybe bringing it back from the dead (again).

It got my mind working, and I started tonight putting a design document together for my own web-based game. Right now, the working title is "Project Overlord". I am planning on it being a 2D, web-based game using XHTML and Javascript for presentation. Nothing overly fancy. But I want it to be engaging and damn fun to play. Something people can waste some time at work keeping up on, but not requiring them to sit in front of the computer like zombies in order to make meaningful progress.

It will be quite a while before actual development begins. I have the basic document completed but I need to go back through and flesh out several areas. I am planning to make this a free-to-play game, with a subscription component that doesn't really affect gameplay. It will probably be ad-driven for revenue, with the subs removing the ads.

The general idea is somewhat akin to an old BBS door game called 'Exitilus'. I'm sure not many of you remember this game as it is a bit over a decade old. Anyhow, the general premise is to become the "top ruler" in the game. You will do this by working your way up from a commoner to eventually a king. There will be politics, combat and city management all rolled into one. In addition, your "player" will level up outside of each game instance to give you certain bonuses and abilities to be used inside the game.

It's going to be fun trying to balance this game - but I have high hopes for it. It's a concept I have been wanting to tackle for years. I don't have the time to develop a client/server game, so the browser and a database will have to do :)

I will keep the blog updated as I make my through this adventure.

Bad design in MMOs - part two - content vs advancement disparity

| 15 July 2009

Yeah, it's been not one, but two years since I posted part one of this series. You see, right after I posted that first piece, I met the love of my life - and we just got married this past weekend. Now aside from the cleanup from the wedding, I should have some time to sit back and relax and game - and write! So here we go

This post will cover what I call the "Content vs Advancement" disparity that I find prevalent in most level-based MMOs. I should state that this really doesn't apply to skill-based MMOs due to their nature of progression, though I am sure this can apply at some level to them as well.

What I mean by Content vs Advancement is that, in level based MMOs, any given piece of content is typically created for characters of a set level range. Each content area, whether that be an overland "zone", a dungeon or a raid instance, is usually only relevant to a small subset of the playing population. Once you out-level the content, there is no real reason to go back and visit that content, save for power leveling a friend, leveling an alt or helping a guildie or friend with a quest.

Sure, there may be some high level quests, or that one named mob who you always ran from that might bring you back - but this is more the exception than the rule. So what we have is content that is created that will only be experienced for a very small time, if at all. Some games have so *much* mid-level content, that players cannot possibly experience it all in the normal process of leveling.

The current trend
In most level-based MMOs, you have a few zones for level 1-10, a few zones for 11-20, a few more for 21-30, etc. Toss in a few dungeons here and there to spice it up and that's about it. Many of these games have enough content in each zone that a character can level through the content and into the next "tier" without ever experiencing the other 4-5 zones the developers created for this level range.

What ends up happening a lot, at least from my experience, is that you level a character and see maybe 30-40% of the leveling content. What a waste this is!

Now, as MMOs are ongoing, evolving (in a sense) worlds you have new players that pick up the game and start from the beginning, or you have experienced players starting alts. The problem is, most of the lower level zones tend to be empty - or at the very least sparsely populated.

What is my vision?
Ideally I want to see characters of all levels, working together through content. I want there to be a reason for uber_raider_92347 to go back to the starting zones - and actually be able to obtain something from doing so. Everything is so level focused in these games (remember, level based progression games) that there isn't much room for other options in this specific subset of the genre. Imagine if you logged in to a five year old game for the first time and there were dozens or scores of people in the "old world" zones. Remember at release time for your favorite level-based MMO? Remember all the groups forming? All the dungeons being explored? What if that experience could be maintained throughout the life of an MMO?

So how can we get there?

What can be done?
Well, there are several options in my mind as to how to combat this, and some games have tried to address this in a indirect way. EQ2 for example allows a high level character to "mentor" down to a lower level character and group with them. So you have a level 80 character becoming a level 23 character. Stats and abilities are scaled down, and abilities that they shouldn't have at this level become unusable. It's a nice idea, but has some flaws. The biggest one for me is losing abilities - some of which players come to rely on or are used to using while adventuring. It's kind of silly to ask players to keep two sets of hotbars - one for normal adventuring and one for mentoring.

In my mind, I would want players to have a reason to come back to zone or area because there is something for them at their current state of progression. So what can new games do?

Dynamic quest and mob scaling is one way to achieve this. What this would entail is quests automatically increase their "level" for each character. NewPlayer_0001 who is level 15 can get the quest just as VetPlayer_8762 can get the quest. The quest will be of appropriate level for both characters. In order to make it challenging and the rewards applicable to both, the mobs that need to be killed, or avoided, or whatever scale to the level of the character. The problem comes in when both players are in the same zone at the same time with the same quest. In order to break this apart so the quest is still applicable to both players and the mobs are the correct level, would be to instance each zone based on level. This is not something we should ever see in an MMO, imo. This leads to further breaking apart the "community" feel I personally believe an MMO should have.

Alright, so what else can we do? Well, another method combines an idea with other gameplay mechanics that would need to be in place - some of which I am not fond of. If you have locked encounters and limited grouping based on level - meaning you can only group with someone +/- 5 levels, for example - and quest/mob scaling, combined with an intelligent proximity aggro mechanism, you can have players of all different levels on the same quests, killing the same mobs, running the same dungeons. It's a solution, but not one I really like.

Another option is one I touched on concerning EQ2 - and that is the "mentor" system. I believe City of Heroes has a similar system that works in reverse - you can bring a lower level friend and their stats and abilities "scale up" - a sidekick system. Unfortunately, I think this is the closest you can get in a level-based game. I like EQ2's system a bit better out of the two, because it encourages higher level players to visit lower level content. So let's build on that a bit and see what we come up with:

-characters can scale their level, stats and abilities down to that of a lower level. No "student" required to mentor to. When you enter a zone, you optionally scale down to that level range. Probably on the top end of the range.

-Abilities you should not have at this level do not become unavailable. they are simply scaled back. This opens a small can of worms as far as exploits go - but it should be a non-issue if this idea is worked into the game from the start

-You receive experience at the same rate/scale as if you were your "normal" level. In other words, a level 80 character scaled to level 50 would receive experience amounts as if they were level 80 killing a mob that was around their level, or completing a quest about their level. Otherwise, why would a level 80 go to a level 50 zone and get level 50 experience?

-Gear is scaled back as well. Special effects on items remain but are also scaled back in power.

-Gear obtained is scaled up with level - so going back and getting that uber sword off a level 20 mob might actually be worth it to a top-level character.

This allows players to play with each other a lot more instead of isolating each section of the population into different zones.

I could probably find a few more things to add in here, but my brain is tired.

In Closing
There really needs to be a way for players to experience all the content, on whatever characters they choose, even after they have "out leveled" it. My opinion is that the mentor system from EQ2, with some modifications, would be a great way for a future level-based game to address this issue. This is one thing I like about skill-based MMOs, is that this is really a non-issue for the most part.

How about you? What are your thoughts?

Button mashing madness

| 06 July 2009

After a(nother) brief hiatus from gaming, which I took to prepare for my wedding - which is this Saturday, I resubbed my SOE station account. I am tinkering with EQ2 again, trying to get the "feel" back for my Paladin. I usually go through this stage when I come back to a game I have not played in a while.

For EQ, it's fairly easy. You have a ton of spells and abilities, but you can only have a handful "ready" at a time. In most other MMOs, you are only limited by the the amount of hotbars you can have open at a time.

Coming back to WoW was always a pain for me, because while there aren't a tremendous amount of spells and abilities, there are enough. I spend a few moments reviewing what the character has and then plot out what direction I want to take him - my main is a Shaman, so I have to decide on Melee, Caster or Healer.

Coming back to EQ2 however usually results in my popping open 3-5 hotbars and staring blankly at them for a few moments. This is exactly what happened this weekend when I logged into Din. One bar is mainly my offensive combat arts. Another is Healing/support buffs. Another is AoE and taunts. Yet another has some other buffs and some misc stuff. So I finally figure out where I had things last time I played and I set out for adventure.

I start fighting and then I remember one of my biggest issues with EQ2 - the massive number of abilities you use in a fight. On Din, I think I use, in every fight, 6-7 single target damage abilities. 2-3 AoE damage abilites, 2-3 different taunts - which I have to use to complete my Heroic Opportunities. Then I have my Ward and my Heals. It really makes WoW's 2-3 button fights seem like child's play. That being said, EQ2 is more like a faceroll.

I noticed the same pattern on my alts that I played with this weekend. By level 10, I had the equivalent of one full hotbar, with spells and abilities I use in almost every fight.

What possessed EQ2's developers to create a combat system with spells and abilities tuned this way is beyond me. Quality over quantity my friends. I would much rather have 2-3 direct damage abilities, 2 AoE and 2 taunts.

Right now, I have ~4500hp. By this measure, I assume the mobs I am fighting have around the same amount, +/- 1000 or so. I have 3-4 abilities that, when executed, deal all of about 200 damage - along with this I have one "big" attack that hits for 800-1000 and has a reasonably long refresh - I can use it maybe once per fight. My freaking auto-attack hits for about that much. Why not give me my 2-3 abilities that do ~500 each?

It seems like all classes are like this, with some having even MORE buttons to mash in a fight. In my opinion this is just overkill, and the only reason for this seems to be that SOE was attempting to show that EQ2 offered "depth" with the amount of spells and abilities. All they have accomplished with this is a very annoying click/buttonmash fest

What are your experiences in EQ2 with this facet of the game? Does you class require massive amounts of buttons and hotkeys for each fight?

ADD is an understatement

| 16 April 2009

I have a hard time sticking with a single MMO. WoW is probably the one I have stuck with the longest - and no matter how hard I try to kick the habit, I keep coming back. The new 3.1 patch brought some cool stuff and right now I am eager to get my Shaman leveled up to 80 (he's 75 right now).

I went to Vegas at the end of March and then have been sick all this week. Not fun at all - though Vegas was a blast.

I have not played EQ, EQ2, VG or DFO since I have returned. I have only played WoW.

What is it about WoW that captures the interest of so many, and is able to retain them? What are your thoughts? My personal opinion is that it's an easy game to pick up and it's an easy game to get back in to. Blizzard is also pretty good about releasing solid, interesting game updates.

So why does the Warcrack keep people addicted?

Everquest Nostalgia

| 12 March 2009

Well as you may know, from a previous posting, I am playing Everquest (live) again. Well, I am trying. I have gotten snagged by Runes of Magic a little - and I was able to purchase a copy of Darkfall Online one day when the shop was open for like 5 minutes. Combined with my job and my personal life - I don't get much time anymore - and it's killing me.

That said, I have been thinking about how my very first graphical MMO made me feel. That MMO was Everquest, and I dived in about 4 months before Luclin was released. I remember the total newb feeling I had thinking "oh wow. what the hell am I supposed to do now?" I slowly learned how to get quests. How to get efficient (yeah right) with xp gains. How to craft - which at that time in EQ was a royal pain in the ass. I remember getting a quest in Qeynos at level 7 or some such and trying to make my way all the way to Highpass to deliver some mail. I died. A lot.

Everything about EQ that I experienced, I loved. Having to keep a binder of maps and spell lists. It sounds so archaic now, but I actually enjoyed all this! I fed off it. I spent more time reading the lore and printing maps than I did playing the game I think.

I never made it very high level, but I still remember grouping in Timorous Deep. The first time I entered the zone and seeing 100+ people there. All the zone-wide shouts for people looking for a group, or groups looking for a tank or a healer, etc. The times sitting at that first safe spot in Blackburrow as trains rolled past.

Looking back, it all seems so ancient. I don't know if any of these things would "fly" in today's MMO market - but I sure as hell would love to get that feeling back. I don't know if it was EQ itself, or just the newness of MMOs at the time. Is it even possible to get that feeling again, after having played so many MMOs? There is a discussion over at the FoH boards with many people stating if EQ were redone - with new graphics but basically the same content, lore and mechanics, they would subscribe in a heartbeat. This is how I feel. What do you think?

So I'm playing EQ again

| 03 March 2009

Yeah, the first one. Don't laugh. I'm serious!

I am not entirely sure what prompted me to play this 10 year old game again exactly, but I have a feeling nostalgia contributed quite a bit. Actually, I had intended to give Vanguard a try again and decided to go for a Station Pass this time. So now I can play VG, EQ2 and EQ as I own all three games.

Everquest was my first graphical MMO. I spent a few years before EQ tinkering around on various MUDs. I remember my first couple weeks in EQ. The graphics sucked and the camera control was horrid. But, it resembled a MUD so much, I instantly fell in love. It also helped that my best friend was in a toppish-tier raiding guild on Bristlebane at the time. I didn't play for very long before moving on to other games (DAoC, EQ2, WoW, etc) but I think my fondest memories of any MMO come from Everquest.

So, ten years after the game has been released, I find myself logging back in to a new character I just created yesterday. So how does the game compare with other current offerings out there? It's hard to say. I stopped playing right after Planes of Power was released. That was the fourth expansion for Everquest and they now have fifteen. Yeah, I've missed a lot! Plus, I have only been back for not even 24 hours!

That said, I still see a lot of what intrigued me about Everquest in the first place. There is tons of lore (though, this lore is a stickler for some people) which I tend to gobble up. The game isn't exactly "newbie friendly". It's no WoW, that's for sure. Hailing a NPC and then typing in key words to obtain a quest is not what many modern MMO players would consider fun, or even intuitive. But there is something about this that I like. Speaking of quests, I see they have changed a lot of NPCs. Now, you can look at the names floating above their heads and tell what they do (ie: there are notations above their heads if they are quest giving NPCs, or if they sell weapons or armor, spells, etc). I remember trekking all over the place, "hail"ing every single NPC to see if they offered a quest or right clicking them to see if they were merchants.

The game is still a bit of a grind-fest, but not near as much as it used to be. Actually, I take that back. It's more of a quest-fest that requires lots of killing. Much the same as many other MMOs out there. "Go kill of this" or "Obtain of that" and of course "Deliver to NPC_001".

One of the biggest changes, and one that I am absolutely loving, is the addition of mercenaries. These are NPCs that you can hire and they act as a groupmate. With my new guy being a Mage, I hired a Cleric mercenary and it's great. It's like having a friend party with you, but without the chatting. I miss that, but it's nice for people who usually tend to solo, like me.

A lot has changed, from the little bit that I have seen - but a lot still remains the same. Those of you still in EQ, or those that pop in from time to time, I have some questions for you:

What are some of the bigger changes in EQ since PoP? How hard is it to get to max level? How is raiding now (I have never raided in EQ before) ? How does raiding now compare to say, raiding in WoW (the only MMO I have attained max level and raided, other than guild raids in EQ2 while leveling)? What keeps you in EQ?

It has been awhile...


I just want to start this off with one comment - I suck at keeping up with a blog. There are many reasons for this - I play a lot of games, and I have a hard time sticking with one. I also have other things in my life that take time and priority. When I started this blog, it was just before I met the love of my life. Not long after, I stopped posting. Heck, I mostly stopped playing many games, including MMOs. We bought a house at the end of the summer last year and finally are mostly settled. Now, I finally have some time to play games and blog my thoughts about those games. For those that enjoyed reading this blog for the few posts that were made - thanks for reading, maybe you will come back!

So, I suppose I should get with it and post something of relevance!