Bad design in MMOs - Introduction

| 02 June 2007

Curt Schilling posed a question to the posters of the FoH forums the other day, asking what was the one thing each poster hated about MMOs. The answers varied from quick replies, to long drawn out responses (mine was one of the later) which were accused of not even answering his question! For me, I picked two topics that really held weight with me, even though there are several I could have listed and expanded upon. Instead of polluting up Curt's thread, I am going to make a series of articles here which delves into some of the topics that are hot-button items with many MMO gamers, including myself. I will rehash the two topics I commented on in Curt's thread, but will attempt to touch on each topic in a structured way which presents the good and bad of each, instead of just off-the-cuff ramblings. Some of the topics will be borrowed from postings on Curt's thread, but I will comment on them in my own words and using my own viewpoint on them. The first article in the series should be hitting this blog later today.


Ted P. Carosio said...
June 21, 2008 at 1:43 AM

Where's part 2? I've kept your blog open a whole week hoping to find part 2 to see if I wanna keep reading your blog.

Ted P. Carosio said...
July 2, 2008 at 1:54 PM

I think you should close your blog. You don't update it enough to keep anyones interest.